dis is taight

dis is taight
pampers i wunt 2 b so prowde of u!&!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hello this are the zooo. whats yur favorite flavor???J!

today we seen a munky and it spit on teeni weeeni diet pedro.  I laugh hard and choked on a berry.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I are Pedro can you belive my new websi paje??!/ site

dis damptrucks  so freekin coo!

Hay so I are pedro, sum peeple call me pedr for short.

Many people call my phones and sey to me.  hay pedro who am i.  I think for mayb 2 secons and say you are frend of the pedro.  Becuz everyone are frend, of the pedro, exept for my cat, the diet pedro, I haet him so much. 

For exampel I have 10  favorit thingys.  one of them is a trap for pupies.  I seen mr diet pedr tries to ete the trap one day and I say bad kitti that is a pupy trap only!!!###     he kick me on my face 3 times and I poot him in a small basket for 6 days, 1 each haf kik.  

dO you lik me?  tell me for shor do it now!^!!!!!!!  I am pedro.  letz b frends by tomorrow k?