do u got a favort day for shor? mabee u shood b moor lik mee. I am pedro. I hav the best favort day.
toodey we ceblerate the day b4 a munth after kristmas and its cald kristmunth eve. every buddy comz and we do so crazi things and stuff.
pampers hes like if u do'nt fill the snoe man pin yata with my favort taipes of cheetos and mara sheeno chairies then i will thretten you.
then grampuh ferby send me a fax. hey pedroe i want 2 brng my bff. can i do that?* he is coming withe me. thx. g-ferb.
then pedromom lets her pet frawg/brick thing ete a huge hoel in g-ferbs bff and he caled pedromom reelly dum.
hey look itz big brosef frankfurt and he mite want to ete those flours.