this is my new thing named pampers. is he cool?!7 |
Maybe; you think hey is pedrohouse cool? Is the rooms real cool~? I am pedro. I hav too things 2 tell u.
1.. i hav a lrg snak. Second u cant get in my hose. Pampers never lets you.
One day, yesterday or mabe today pampers tride to ete my snak. Pampers no bad cray-z pampers!)(! that snak is poyzunnis! evEn pedromom cnt get inside this pedrohouse.
this are the pedromom in her favort dress for shor
Shes like hay pedr wherz the key. dont you hav it wrapt in a towl on topf of the sprinkler?
im like hay what r u crackin pedromom?# u cnt come to my pedroplace any mor not even pampers puppyhouse or he will ete yur face for shor!@
shes like hay gess what diet pedro and me r not frends anymore on facebook or xboxlive. i just did that on my blackberry.
i cant belief it pedromom left like 10 seconds ago becase gramps furby put on twitter he cante remember what yogurt is.